Urgent action needed!
The SLC Parks Dept. is looking to proceed with a plan to remove 15 established trees from Warm Springs Park (some planted by early settlers) in order to enlarge the existing field for a regulation soccer field. The Salt Lake Valley already has 74 soccer fields, and only one Warm Springs.
The Real Issue
This is not really about how big an expanse of lawn should be or how many new trees might replace some large, historic trees. There is a much bigger question that needs to be addressed as a community and heard by leaders at the city and that is “What is the purpose of Warm Springs?”
Is it to be viewed as a common park that gets “activated” through the usual things we do with big blocks of grass?
Or can we recognize it for the one-of-a-kind place that it is? With the memories of generations that bathed in the first gathering place in the valley in 1849, to those who grew up swimming at Wasatch Plunge, or playing at the well-loved Children’s Museum, Warm Springs is an essential part of our sense of place and has always served best as a setting for healing and gathering together as a community. We want it to be that again.
And how will we honor the greater value of a place that was sacred ground to indigenous people long before the settlers arrived and heal these relationships today?
There is no other large city in the country that has a natural hot spring like this. With a history like this. That belongs to all of us.
If you’d like the hot spring and historic building to be brought back and the park to highlight the history of this one-of-a-kind place, please take the city’s survey ASAP (closes Oct 9th) and most importantly, because surveys by nature give limited options, be sure to add your own comment at the end!
P.S. I’d love you to forward a copy of your comments to me too, so I can add them to this webpage.
Some letters to SLC by community members:
I am part of a group that hopes to restore Warm Springs and turn it into a public gathering place for Salt Lakers and Native Americans, as it has been in the past. Trees are a very important part of a park.
While I do support soccer fields and understand the desire for a full-sized soccer field, I think that sacrificing 16 beautiful trees for a soccer field is a bad trade-off. Replacing mature trees is an impossibility. Salt Lake Valley has many (74) soccer fields. It may need more, but surely there is another place that would not require destroying majestic trees.
Please save the trees! Sincerely, MM
Mother nature did not cull the “unhealthy” trees in Warm Springs Park during the hurricane force winds, so perhaps we shouldn’t either. Plus, soccer fields are only useful to a few. BM
I am an ardent supporter of parks and in this time of the pandemic outdoor space and summer shade are critical. Our parks and mountains have never been used more. They are necessary for well-being and any shade on the West Side of the city is welcome.
Beside the historic location of the trees, another soccer field does not fit well with the long term vision of the Alliance for the renovation and use of the site. There are many other good uses including community events, plunge, camps etc. Do I have to remind the Council and Mayor of the conflict about the soccer fields that were put down by the Jordan River Parkway in the NW area? Let them serve this community as was the initial argument.
Bottom line, do not take out trees on a historic site for a soccer field! Listen to the Alliance. I am so grateful that the city stepped in to acquire Allen Park. They need to attend to the plans and vision for Warm Springs and provide financing as soon as possible. – SSS
We need more mature trees! It takes a long time to have the benefits of a mature tree, please don’t cut them down! Plant more trees! We need more fresh air and escapes from the scorching sun. MM
This is a horrible idea. Please refrain from allowing the city to remove historic trees from this gathering space of native tribes. Please, reconsider this approval and add historical significance to the list of criteria for future projects. Thank you, CM
I just found out that you plan to remove 16 established trees from Warm Springs Park! These healthy and beautiful trees provide beauty, shade, oxygen and more — I can’t imagine why you’d get rid of these precious trees, especially when some of them are so old. These historic treasures take decades to grow. I also heard the reason given for the removal of these trees is to enlarge an existing soccer field? Seriously? The SLC valley has 74 soccer fields and only one warm springs.
Historic trees should be protected, from many kinds of development, but especially seemingly short-sighted projects such as enlarging an existing soccer field. Please please reconsider! Sincerely, RR
This would be a devastating mistake. I work at a hospital here in SLC, so I think you can appreciate the stress I’ve been under these last few months. The main thing that allows me to face that everyday is a stroll through my neighborhood park where I can wave at my neighbors and watch their dogs expend their pent-up energy among the trees. It is one of the few remaining places where we can find refuge for a moment in the chaos while keeping each other safe and healthy. It is truly a foundation of our community. Salt Lake currently has 74 soccer fields, but only one Warm Springs Park. I implore you, our mayor who was elected to represent and serve our community, please don’t take this from us. Sincerely, DD, Marmalade Resident
I’m writing to let you know my very strong feelings about the trees in Warm Springs Park and the park itself. I’ve been informed that there is a possible plan to remove several trees to clear space for a regulation soccer field on that site. Please consider a different site for the field. Here are my reasons:
The Warm Springs Alliance, of which I am a member, is working diligently to bring back the Springs as a gathering place that will bring many, many people in our community together. Especially at this time of racial tensions, having a place that brings people together with their health in mind, is an extraordinary opportunity for Salt Lake City and its Parks. The stately old trees are an essential part of the Future Visionary Gathering Space.
Warm Springs Park is an absolutely unique feature in Salt Lake City. There are many soccer fields and only one Warm Spring. The space around the Spring deserves preservation of the old trees. Once an old tree is taken from the park, it is irreplaceable. Thank you for your kind attention. Warmly, CL
I’m writing because it’s my understanding that the SLC Parks Dept. is looking to proceed with a plan to remove 16 established trees from Warm Springs Park (some planted by early settlers) in order to enlarge the existing field for a regulation soccer field.
As part of your campaign, you committed to planting trees throughout our city. It seems a bit counter-intuitive to rip out beautiful, established trees for a soccer field. Especially for such a beautiful space and when planting more trees is part of your agenda. The Salt Lake Valley already has 74 soccer fields and only one Warm Springs.
Please reconsider removing those trees and protect the beautiful Warm Springs Park. Thank you, MG
I’m against a soccer field. Pioneer park just put in a soccer field, and it diminished a lot of the character and history of the park, not to mention the dozens of mature trees that were removed. EB
Save the trees and fix the springs. We need a good soaking place in this city! DS
I don’t live in the city now but I went to the park this spring looking for the rare hooded orioles. Maintain the natural areas especially the mature trees. I see no reason to remove them for a playing field…also, those weird circular structures seem to serve no purpose but take up space. I think it would be awesome if the Plunge were restored. LM
I am writing to plead that you leave the trees at the Warm Springs site to continue their lives as intended providing beauty and shade to the Warm Springs Site. We do not need another soccer Field on what we hope to restore to it’s former glory an historic and vibrant community warm spring.
I am a supporter of the Warm Springs Alliance and I vehemently oppose cutting down any of the trees there. VD
While I can appreciate that a soccer field would be a nice addition to the area, I feel strongly both as a member of the community and someone who had an opportunity as a youth to experience Warm Springs Park, and the old pool/children’s museum, that developing that park and the pool building into a community resource and a place where we can celebrate of our rich community history would be a preferred option to clearing trees and adding a soccer field. We have a lot of soccer fields here in the city, but there is only one Warm Springs Park.
Our city has changed a lot in the last ten years. New development seems to be springing up everywhere, it is good to have improvement, and maybe I am a little sentimental, but I also feel like the identity of Salt Lake City has been lost in a lot of ways. I guess I see this as an opportunity to preserve something that makes our city unique.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts. I hope you stay safe during this difficult time. – JMU
It has come to my attention that the SLC Parks Dept. is looking to proceed with a plan to remove 16 established trees from Warm Springs Park in order to enlarge the existing field for a regulation soccer field. Although I am a soccer fan, the Salt Lake Valley already has 74 soccer fields, but there is only one Warm Springs.
I have been looking forward to the hot spring and the historic building brought back to life and support the Warm Springs Alliance vision and want the trees to stay.
I believe reviving the hot spring will have benefits to a section of our community that enjoy the types of recreational opportunities the Warm Springs Alliance is planning to provide.
Please kindly re-consider your proposed plan to remove trees from the Warm Springs park and reconsider the vision Warm Springs Alliance has for this historic setting. Kind Regards, HHF
I am writing to you to ask that you immediately stop removing trees from Warm Springs Park to make a soccer field. Many of the trees in the park are old, planted in settler times, and provide a connection to Utah’s history. They provide food and shelter to a great diversity of birds, bugs and animals – an integral part of the unique wetland ecosystem that exists in Warm Springs Park. The trees also offer significant carbon reduction, a boon for our neighborhood which is a stone’s throw from the Tesaro refinery. Not only is a new soccer field unecessary as there are 74 regulation soccer fields in Salt Lake Valley already, soccer fields in general require grass and heavy watering which economically impact the city’s parks department. My family supports the Warm Springs Alliance’s vision for our park, and we voted for both Mayor Mendenhall and Councilman Wharton because of their promises to help achieve that vision. Please keep your promises to our community, and save our trees. Respectfully, DFN
Please put an end to this plan to remove 16 beautiful old trees from Warm Springs Park in order to have one more soccer area. I believe this is very unwise for a number of reasons.
First, trees are valuable just in themselves but are also beautiful and add to the beauty in a world desperately in need of it. Second, they provide shade and help to keep the temperature down–an increasingly important function in a world that is getting hotter. Third, they help remove pollutants from the air and return oxygen to the air we breathe (particularly important in this section of SLC because of proximity to the refineries).
Fourth, we have no idea how this pandemic is going to play out (not to mention the inevitable ones to come based on best predictions of a world where people continue to expand into formerly natural areas and which will continue to heat up). It may turn out that team sports activities will diminish in popularity, if become not entirely impossible. Also, the popularity of sports can change very quickly, which is an argument for fewer defined play areas and more green space.
Fifth, there are at least 74 soccer fields already and certainly more can be added elsewhere in the future if there really proves to be a demand. You can’t resurrect a magnificent old tree, which may have been planted by original pioneer settlers in this valley, just by wishing it back.
Once they are cut down they are gone forever. In 50 years what will the then residents think to have been more important?
Please put a stop to this plan. Sincerely, BM (former Capitol Hill Historic District resident and one of the community planners for the then Master Plan)
In the state of Hawaii, trees over a certain age are protected, I hope the trees are also protected in our city, thanks TC
I understand that the Salt Lake Parks Department is considering removing 16 beautiful, mature trees at the Warm Springs Park in order to build a regulation soccer field there.
I am writing to express my ardent opposition to this proposal. The Salt Lake Valley already has dozens of soccer fields. This park does not need to be marred to create yet another.
I request that the Parks Department consider better ways to improve this park, which do not involve destroying mature, healthy trees, and which is in keeping with the park’s history and use as a beautiful recreational space. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Kind Regards, FC
I am writing in support of the Warm Springs Alliance vision for the Warm Springs Park, and am asking you to please reconsider the destruction and removal of trees from the park.
Perhaps you can agree that the funds for creating yet another soccer pitch might be better utilized in finding housing for the many unhomed that live in the shrubs on the hillside up to Victory Road. Or perhaps in picking up the garbage that floats in the Marmalade neighborhood due to the unhomed wandering listlessly in the heat as they make their way to the tent city on Victory Road. Please reconsider where you spend money and your energy regarding Warm Springs park.
Best regards, AC
As a SLC business owner, a hydro-therapeutic practitioner and a noted author of a book on hydrotherapy and spa training, I have always taken an interest of not only the Warms Spring’s unique healing properties but the history behind the building and its surrounding park.
It has come to my attention that the SLC Parks Dept. has plans in the works to remove 16 established trees from Warm Springs Park — some old growth trees planted by early settlers — all this in order to enlarge the existing field for a regulation soccer field.
Believe me when I say the Salt Lake valley already has 74 soccer fields, but there is only one Warm Springs as well as its associated historic properties. I’d like the hot spring and historic building to be brought back and the park to highlight the history of this one-of-a-kind place. I support the Warm Springs Alliance vision. As part of that vision, I want the trees to stay.
I beg you, please halt SLC Parks Dept. plan to destroy these beautiful trees and its plan to expand the existing field. Local residents and visitors to our fair state deserve to have this area and the historic Warms Springs building preserved for future generations to enjoy.
Very Truly Yours, RJ
I heard the city is considering removing 16 trees at Warm Springs park.
Within the same hour, my son, thankfully, made the decision to dump the girl that was wrong for him in so many ways.
He made the choice because he could see what was not yet in front of him. Knowing that staying with her would cost him the girl he truly deserves.
Salt Lake City deserves more than more sun-baked soccer fields. I beg you to see the vision for what the Warm Springs property could be and dump the easy ideas that would cost our future residents an opportunity that would be the catalyst for vibrancy and pride and quality that this area deserves.
People happily drive tens of miles to play or watch soccer. People come (or move) from out of state to visit what Warm Springs could be!
Thank you for listening, Mayor Mendenhall! I’ve been so impressed with your ability to do that, and much more, in your short time as mayor. Sincerely, SR
Save the Trees in Warm Springs Park! It has come to our attention that there are plans to remove trees in Warm Springs Park in order to enlarge the field for a regulation soccer park. I am beyond outraged!!! This beloved park is loved by many of us specifically because of these beautiful, mature trees. In the 11 years that I have been a regular visitor to this park, not once have I seen anyone playing anything remotely resembling soccer in this park. However, many of us walk our dogs in this park, we have picnics here, visit with our neighbors here and children play under the shade of these lovely trees.
Mayor Mendenhall, Councilman Wharton, if you allow these trees to be removed, I promise you that I will never vote for you again. And, I will most certainly campaign for whomever runs in opposition to you. The trees in Warm Springs Park must be saved! Respectfully, MP
We know that you constantly battle people’s needs and wants with the budget, equality of access, and the desire to do the right thing. But to cut down 16 mature, historic trees at Warm Springs Park is an irrevocable act. Surely some compromise can be made. As our summers become hotter every year, why would you choose to remove an available source of shade, of respite? And these trees are appreciated not just in summer, but in all four seasons, by the public at large.
The same cannot be said for a soccer field. You can shift your plans for a soccer field. You can’t move the trees. Think hard before destroying these living things. KH
Please do not destroy the trees at Warm Springs. I know you have alot on your plate right now, but hear me out. Trees are living beings that take in CO2 (greenhouse gas) and convert it to oxygen for us to breathe. They also cool the air, provide habitat for insects , birds, and animals, and nourish the soil with nitrogen. Any tree destroyed takes away breathable oxygen, and excelerates Global Warming. Some of these trees have been productive members of our community for over a hundred years, and should be historical landmarks not mulch. A better idea would be to plant a hundred new trees to help stem our headlong path to global warming and the destruction of our planet. With Sincerest Humility, RB
I rarely voice my concerns to government leadership, but this is a subject dear to my heart. I was born in Salt Lake City and have lived within a block of Warm Springs Park for 26 years. I cherish not only its beauty, but also the unique pioneer history associated with everything on its grounds, including the magnificent trees that are witness to that history and cannot be replaced.
Please don’t sacrifice this portion of our heritage for yet another soccer field, or for any other such endeavor. We have already lost so much that is both beautiful and historic. Please don’t allow these irreplaceable trees to become additional casualties. Thank you. Respectfully, MR
Please save our trees, we do not need more soccer fields at Warm Springs Park. At a time when we are living under global warming, we need mature trees to help with our air. In what world do people come up with the idea of cutting down trees to build a soccer filed in an area with very few children. Thank you, a concern neighbor, GH
…I am a homeowner on Wall St. In Marmalade, directly across from Warm Springs Park. I have been hearing rumblings that the city plans to move forward with removing some 16 trees to make room for a soccer field. I’m writing to express my concern and urge you and the planning department to reconsider.
Personally I can’t understand why money is being invested to change the current very NICE park while letting the historic warm springs BUILDING continue to dilapidate. Removing fully mature trees to do so seems especially not a good idea… Sincere thanks, SI
I’m writing in vehement support of the maintenance of the trees in Warm Springs Park. We don’t need another soccer field.
There is beauty and heritage and community benefit to these trees. And a hot spring and historic building would be of far greater benefit than a mere expansion of the field that already exists. I’m an athlete. I understand the need for athletic fields. But this isn’t the place. GL
so please tell me how much of our tax payer dollars is it going to cost to remove those trees and buldoze that area for a soccer field? You know the soccer games you said could be easily moved from Rosewood with the addition of the cricket Pitch. But the city was paid to build that pitch. 150,000 dollars. Something South Jordan turned down. But the parks department representative told us there were plenty of places to put the leagues.
Now we see you are going to cut down the beautiful trees are the warm springs park to build more fields. Come On there is space left over for more fields at the soccer complex. You know where there is plenty of parking… no trees to cut down. The reason we built those to begin with..
How much is it going to cost to kill those trees???? The city never ever puts money into maintenance budgets. so i guess we keep building but not maintaining as usual. That park doesn’t need much maintenance the homeless don’t even camp there. the grass is awesome. the shade and the need for parks in this city is unending and not to have soccer fields to be locked up. Why don’t they keep the grasses cut at the north end of the park.
You can’t even get the sprinklers working right at Rosewood. But hey we have the 350,000 patch of gravel for a dog park. cant use it burns the feet of the dogs. but it is there right so how much is this going to cost us taxpayers? Pioneer Park was how much well over 25 million. MH
Please do not approve removal of 16 historic trees from Warm Springs Park. We do not need another soccer field in Salt Lake. I support restoration of the hot springs and historic building as envisioned by Warm Springs Alliance. This park is one-of-a-kind in the city. Don’t destroy it for another soccer field. Thank you. – TK
I am writing to support the Warm Springs Alliance vision and with a hope to save the 16 established trees on the property from being taken down. Thank you, PT
I support the Warm Springs Alliance vision and want the trees to stay. WE HAVE ENOUGH SOCCER FIELDS. KH
I’m outraged with the city over this. This is the second email I have sent them now regarding the regulation size soccer field and cutting down our trees. What a poor decision that doesn’t suit our community at all.
Thank you – HB
I am writing to express my opinion for saving the trees in the Warm Springs area and the Spa Building. I’ve lived in this historic area of our city now over 30 years in a house build in the 1870’s. The trees in front of my house and th …house next door are thriving and are over 100 years old. The Marmalade is known for its trees of Apricot, Quince and Peach that also became the names of the streets here.
Let’s please reconsider this particular historic area when promoting ideas to take down, or pull up its buildings or landscape. This area should be respectfully ‘built up’ to perhaps have its own designated historical gateways starting from Warm Springs up through Wall Street and on 200 West and North Temple. With pillars on each side of street to mark that you are entering this historical and beautiful tree lined area!
Tearing down the area of the Warm Springs and not renovating or restoring it isn’t what this historical area is about…This whole project should be a renovation…and made into something beautiful. Not taking the 16 beautiful old trees and uprooting them nor tearing the old spa building down!
History came first and other cities know this in how they plan and restore. Please don’t destroy our history there at Warm Springs! Please plan to keep it for its historical significance and beauty in our Marmalade which is full of beautiful old trees which are our identity here. We’re known for this. Sincerely, JS
I live in the Marmalade District and the Warm Springs Park is a favorite spot of mine. I am aware of the possible plans to remove 16 trees and make more room for a soccer field. I support the Warm Springs Alliance and would like to voice my desire to keep the trees as a part of our historic city. Thank you for your consideration in this matter! – KK
There are fewer and fewer green spaces within the city anymore, fewer trees — especially trees of such great age with history and tales to tell. Please reconsider removing these venerable denizens of this beautiful green space. There are plenty of places to play soccer, but not too many places to lie down and look up through the branches and the leaves that whisper, sharing their ancient voices with our imaginations. Please don’t remove the trees. JS
I’m writing to ask that you rethink the proposal to cut the trees down in Warm Springs Park to make a soccer field. One thing I’ve noticed about Utah since I’ve been here is that there is an abundance of soccer fields. Not that we couldn’t use one more, but right now, in the days of COVID the park is seeing a lot of usage by residents who walk their dogs and such and go there to enjoy the space the way it is (with the lovely, shaded trees).
I would rather any funds spent on a project like this go towards fighting crime. Warm Springs is basically in my neighborhood and I’ve seen a big uptick in thefts and drug deals since May (since COVID to be honest) and I think money needs to go towards resources to help us living in the area to fend off these criminals (better lighting, Neighborhood Watch signs, motion lights to neighbors that need them, etc.)…Money spent on the safety and security of the residents to help combat crime will go a lot farther than money spent on a soccer field that a fraction of people in the neighborhood may actually use.
I don’t see much ROI on this proposal and feel the funds, time and effort are better supporting those that actually live here and use the park as it was intended. Thanks for your consideration, GC
I’m VERY concerned that the trees at the Warm Springs Park will be removed to make space for a soccer field.
1. We need to keep Warm Springs Park as a shady, community park that honors the legacy of the West Side Settlers. Unless these beautiful, century old trees are sick and weak, they are a testament of time and strength to the community.
2. If we remove the trees and put in yet another soccer field, there is less shade, less daytime usage (soccer teams use during weeknights and weekends- without trees, the open field space becomes under utilized by the community in the day because of lack of shade). I know this because I experience this living next to Westpointe Park and it’s soccer fields.
3. Yet again, we are removing the habitats of animals and birds that live in our area. Creating green space is not just an area with a watered green turf. Green space is an area that has natural elements of grass, brush, trees, rocks, multiple animals and fowl.
Please reconsider and influence the decision so that these trees ARE NOT removed and that Warm Springs Park is NOT modified for a legal size soccer field. With sincere concern, Your friend and West Side constituent, AD
To those of you who are decision makers, I implore you to NOT turn historic Warm Springs into another soccer field. We don’t need it.
This park and the original spa building (where my great aunt and uncle met around 1915) is on the National Historic Register. Please consider the plans from 10 years ago and restore the building back to it’s original purpose. It could be a wonderful place once again for relaxing in the hot springs or swimming. The old trees are a very important part of the historic park. Do NOT allow them to be cut down. I am a resident of the Avenues, and I oppose any destruction of this treasured, and one of a kind park. RESTORE it. Sincerely, EG
The Salt Lake Valley already has 74 soccer fields, and only one Warm Springs. This action is absurd and does not preserve history nor help the already poor air quality. I and my community want the hot spring and historic building to be brought back and the park to highlight the history of this one-of-a-kind place. I support the Warm Springs Alliance vision and want the trees to stay. Please don’t make us protest, please listen to the people. AK
I am concerned about a plan that is going through the City like an epidemic, cutting more trees in Warm Springs Park for a regulation soccer field.
I believe that the plan will hurt the Park use by families due to the need, during summer months, like now to provide good shade. We have had, and will have many more hotter summers in the next decade that will discourage park use if more mature trees are cut. Several were planted by the Pioneers and should not be touched but celebrated. The black locust trees that this City keeps cutting was revered by the Pioneers since it is insect and rot resistant and its roots go up to 20 feet down. That is why it was planted in soil that could not stabilize regular trees (and was therefore much safer) like porous soil and hillsides/slopes. It stabilizes the ground.
Please do not cut more trees in Warm Springs Park without a good public outreach and engagement. If the City intends to cut the trees, please let us know so that we can publicize the issue and get more public feedback on the plan. Note that other parks and nearby schools have soccer fields that do not have to have mature trees cut.
I believe that the public would support saving mature trees instead of cutting them and replacing them with Mickie Mouse trees. Note that I was involved in the original effort to upgrade Warm Springs Park and, at the time, the community was concerned about losing more trees from the Park. GC
I’m writing in support of trees at Warm Springs Park! My ancestors planted trees to make SLC what it is today. If you cut down old growth, you are cutting down the roots and legacy of our city! WE DO NOT WANT MORE SOCCER FIELDS! Thanks, MJ A vocal and concerned voter
I am writing in support of keeping the trees at the Warm Springs park. These are established trees that have been in that location for many decades. The mayor promised to plant a thousand trees on the westside to help clean the air. How does cutting down these trees work with that promise? I understand that the city wants to cut these trees down to make way for another soccer field. SLC already has 74 such fields. We need trees and clean air more than we need another soccer field. Thank You, LD
I would like to see the Warm Springs historic building and park preserved. I understand there is a plan to remove trees and build a soccer field. While I am sympathetic to the needs and wants of the community for an area that children and youth can use to recreate and participate in team sports, I feel that the uniqueness of the Warm Springs area should supercede the building of a soccer field; and I especially object to the removal of old, well established trees that provide beauty and shade for people and habitat for birds and other creatures in addition to their historic value.
I am sure that the city could find another place to put a soccer field and hope you will encourage that pursuit instead. Respectfully, SW SLC resident
I am writing to you to ask you to preserve the trees in Warm Springs Park as part of the overall preservation and renovation plan for the Warm Springs historic building advanced by the Warm Springs Alliance. Warm Springs is a regional resource not only for Salt Lake City but also for everyone in Salt Lake County. Having natural hot springs flowing into an indoor pool in a building located in a tranquil park setting is a rare asset to be valued and preserved.
Thank you for your consideration in preserving this valuable asset. GG
I am a resident of Salt Lake City and am writing about preservation of the trees in Warm Springs Park. I have heard about the soccer community’s desire for a “regulation size” field, and I sympathize with that from a sports point of view–but this place is not the solution. Those valuable trees simply rule it out. With some 70 other soccer fields in the city, another site could be considered for enlargement to regulation size, if not other properties considered altogether.
I request that you all preserve these historic and beautiful trees. Some of them go back to the days of the settlers and in an ever-urban environment of buildings, stone, development and smog, these trees are doubly-valuable. It is not small decorative trees which clean our air, it is tall, heavy trees that are most effective in that. They take decades and decades to grow. They are priceless and silent citizens in this neighborhood. Thank you, TM
I have just learned that the city is considering removing trees from Warm Springs Park to create a soccer field. I think this is short sighted because of all the potential the site holds for a broader use of the park. As you are probably aware, the Warm Springs Alliance is working to renovate the building at the park. When this is done there will be a complex for the community to mix and mingle with the neighborhood, to use the hot pools, to eat and to enjoy the amenities the site will have to offer. I think this is a better use of the site than a one-note use that will appeal to only one type crowd and not the diversity the Alliance is hoping to appeal to. I think funds required to convert to a single use site could be combined with Alliance plans to create a destination for all local residents and not just to a single segment of the group .
I suggest that you consider working with the Alliance to come up with a plan that appeals to the people who live and work in the neighborhood on a plan that will address a broader audience from children to grandparents. I’m not sure the city has addressed the history of the park and the hot pools that could be destroyed. I hope many more discussions will be had before a decision is reached on any final plans. Cutting down one large tree and removing it from its location costs $1800/tree (recent estimate). If you cut down 10 trees, it is already a cost of $18,000. These costs are very real. There are very few parks in this area and the neighborhood deserves to be consulted as a whole before any decisions are made piecemeal. LVG
I got [a] message from a concerned citizen that you are planning to remove 16 old established trees in Warm Springs Park in order to enlarge a soccer field…
How short sighted of you. This is an historic area and park and the community wants to see the warm springs and the historic building restored and turned into a multi-use community park and recreation area. Salt Lake City is awash in soccer fields but we are not awash in ancient, historic trees such as these 16! 16! ancient trees you want to kill.
Also, Mayor Mendenhall…isn’t it a tad hypocritical to have a West side tree planting initiative and master plan and then turn around and remove 16 gorgeous old trees from the west side? Hmmmm? Please don’t do this heinous act. Have any of you read the Overstory? I highly recommend you read this excellent novel before you remove any of our community’s old trees. Or don’t read it at all (although it is a wonderful novel) and just don’t destroy these treasures of Warm Springs Park. Thank you, MMC
PLEASE retain all the trees in Warm Springs Park and don’t cut down trees to make a regulation soccer field in this particular area. The SL Valley already has 74 soccer fields, including several nearby, and only ONE Warm Springs Park. Please leave this park as is for more casual pickup frisbee games and other outdoor activities and leave the beautiful shade trees in place. Warm Springs Park is a shady oasis in a neighborhood that doesn’t have any cute little pocket parks like other parts of the city, and a regulation soccer field doesn’t serve our neighborhood on any level as much as the existing playground, picnic tables, and shady paths for strolling already do. PLEASE RETAIN ALL THE TREES in WARM SPRINGS PARK!!!
I live just south of this park, and since I’m working at home full time these days, I see all the dogs on leash with their owners going to/from the park at all hours of the day and night. Please don’t take away this urban greenspace from all the neighbors who live in the surroundings area to build a soccer field that would serve folks who likely won’t live here, particularly when there already are plenty of soccer resources for games and practices. Please help keep this space open to the most number of people and not just as rotating sports space. Instead please consider underwriting the restoration of the Warms Springs Plunge as a reimagined community center surrounded by lovely greenspace for so many more to enjoy. fervently, MM
Yet another crazy idea by the soccer crowd? It wasn’t that long ago that there was a proposal to build a soccer next to the Jordan River on the north side of town. If 74 such fields already exist in the Salt Lake area, where will it end?
First we take out some trees for the field. Next, we take out some more trees for needed parking. Then, after a zoning change, we take out some more trees to allow commercial development adjacent to the soccer field & parking lot, say a restaurant or two to feed the crowd. Any trees left will probably suffer from soil compaction and who knows what other insults.
Please squelch this plan before it goes any further. Thank you for your consideration. — RG, SLC
Hope you and your family are well. I appreciate all your hard work for our city during these crazy times.
I was made aware of some saddening news. As you probably already know, Sylvia Nibley has been dedicated to keeping the historic building and hot springs preserved for community space down at Warm Springs. I support her endeavors, as many people in the city do. She informed me that the Parks department is looking to take down 16 trees in the Warm Springs park to put up a soccer field.
I realize there are many pressing issues your office is dealing with and this would be a good show of faith to preserve that land and those trees for the park to the communities you serve. Trees are a great way to reduce air pollution, they provide shade for guests, and homes for many critters in the area. Would you be willing to talk to the SLC Parks Department in order to keep the trees? I look forward to how we can continue the legacy of that space. Thank you for your time and consideration. MB
Simply stated, the Salt Lake Valley has 74 soccer fields and only one Warm Springs. Please preserve this one of a kind, historic landmark. There are other options for soccer fields. Kindly, SJ
Today I learned of a proposal to remove mature trees at Warm Springs Park to make room for a soccer field. I live in this neighborhood.
As the owner of Wild Birds Unlimited, I’ve spent years thinking about and educating my customers about things they can do to help native songbird populations. You’re probably aware that in the last 30 years, songbird populations have decreased by thirty percent—over 3 billion birds have been lost.
One of the bigger contributors to this loss is the increase in lawns and decrease in mature trees and native plants. Lawns are not good for the ecosystem, not good in a desert, not good for songbirds.
While recreational facilities are important in any community, I hope this need can be balanced against the need to maintain the historic character of our neighborhood and just as important, protect those trees for the songbirds, who rely on them for food, shelter, and nesting.
I strongly oppose removing the mature trees and placing another huge expanse of lawn. Best regards, KF
I am writing to express my support of the vision that the Warm Springs Alliance has to preserve and protect as many of the existing trees as possible. Removing these historic and beautiful trees does not seem a necessary step for the community needs.
Please do what you are able to let these trees stay and flourish just where they are. I would love to participate in the survey when it becomes available. Thank you for your efforts. Sincerely, SNC
Please, please please do not cut down 16 mature and established trees in Warm Spring Park.
When we let Real build at the entrance of Constitution Park off of 300 N behind the Days of 47 Arena. They killed three beautiful and large full grown evergreen trees. They dug very close to the roots and deep —those trees didn’t make it. It is heart breaking and now an eye sore. We let Rocky Mountain power cut down all good trees down 900 West. We as a City do not need to cut these trees down. We do not need another soccer complex. If we do, and I like to offer solutions. Bring it to Constitution Park. There is lots of unused space behind the Arena. Add a soccer field to Masden Park. WE need more trees on the West Side. WE need to care for the ones that we have. Please do not cut down these trees. Thank You, MW
I write this email in plea of your assistance to save the trees at Warm Springs Park.
- Community and Social Value:
- Trees are an important part of every community and create a peaceful, aesthetically pleasing environment. Trees increase our quality of life by bringing natural elements and wildlife habitats into urban settings. We gather under the cool shade they provide during outdoor activities with family, friends, and our fellow community members.
- These trees planted by early settlers act as historic landmarks and a great source of town pride.
- Ecological and Environmental Value:
- Using trees in cities to deflect the sunlight reduces the heat island effect caused by pavement and commercial buildings.
- Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife.
- Trees and shrubs also filter air by removing dust and absorbing other pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
- Should we really be removing the natural filter and barrier the trees provide residence from the refineries located across the street from the park and walking distance from the highly populated Marmalade neighborhoods?
- Hundreds of living creatures call trees their home. Leaf-covered branches keep many animals, such as birds and squirrels, out of the reach of predators.
- Personal and Spiritual Value:
- Trees help record the history of our community as they grow and develop alongside us.
- The sentimental value of a special tree is simply immeasurable. It is no doubt that 100s of people including myself have formed this bond with these trees during our nearly daily visits to our neighborhood park.
- Economic Value:
- A mature tree can have an appraised value between $1000 and $10,000 according to the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers.
- Many real estate listing overviews mention the mature trees in Warm Springs park as a selling point of homes in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Though this list only scratches the surface of the value that these trees bring to the area, I hope it is enough to enlist your help and support is saving these natural pillars of our local community.
I welcome your response, feedback, or directed call to action. Warmest regards, MH, Marmalade homeowner
Once again a mayor who claims to be the so called “Green“ mayor is turning out to be not so green. Removing mature healthy trees at Warm Springs Park is not only a reckless destruction of nature but also will harm the environment in the long run. There are many soccer fields already in SLC but very few dog parks which is actually more needed and represents a over 100% broader demand of population.
We had a former mayor (Jackie) who did the same mistake in removing 52 trees at pioneer park with the excuse to keep the homeless people away. Well, it didn’t work and requires extra police presence now more so than before.
This shows the lack of leadership when it comes to environment and I hope that one day we will have a mayor who really cares about the future generation in this city.
Btw: fact is that trees creating shade in city areas and keeping the temperature lower between 1 and 2 degrees overall. This means less use of energy to cool living areas and also an escape for people to find refuge from the ever increasing heat. Which is more important: a soccer field for a percentage wise small group of people per population or mature tress for the majority of people in the city? GS
Please save the trees at Warm Springs. We will like the Hot Springs and Historic Building to be brought back and the park to highlight the history of this one of a kind place. IA
This is a request to intervene and stop the removal of the established trees at the Warm Springs area. It is still under discussion for possible development into an amazing public space of historic significance.
Like all departments, the Parks Dept. need some guidance and input from other mindsets. For example, sadly, they still use poisons such as RoundUp ubiquitously — exposing children/adults, pets, wildlife to cancer causing chemicals.
Soccer fields serve a small percentage of the public. Some of those people stand to benefit financially from cutting down those trees. The Parks Dept. is not looking at the bigger picture. Unfortunately, there are parks that have almost half of their space blocked off for organized games (for example: Skate Park in Sandy).
Notice that some of the most enjoyable and usable venues for public events are those with established trees…Liberty Park, Sugarhouse Park, Library Square (City Municipal). It takes decades and sometimes lifetimes to get such established trees. Please intervene to develop a better plan that protects the trees and natural area. Thank you! ES
I am writing about preservation of the trees in Warm Springs Park. I have heard about the soccer field desire for a “regulation size”, and I sympathize with that from a sports point of view–but this place is not the solution. Those valuable trees simply rule it out. With some 70 other soccer fields in the city, another site could be considered for enlargement to regulation size, if not other properties considered altogether. I was just walking by 3300 South and 500 East and noticed the huge expanse of land now vacant since the old Granite School demolition. There may be reasons or obstacles against putting a regulation soccer field there, but surely heads could be put together to make a deal in some new spot. One idea or another might come up in our lives, but certain factors simply rule out following up on all of them, and these trees are in the category of “not possible”, “not okay”.
I request that you all preserve these historic and beautiful trees. Some of them go back to the days of the settlers. And in an ever-urban environment of buildings, stones, development and smog, these trees are doubly-valuable. It is not small decorate trees which clean our air, it is tall, heavy trees that are most effective in that. They take decades and decades to grow. They are priceless and silent citizens in this neighborhood. TM
Dear Mayor Mendenhall,
I know you love Salt Lake City and I know that in all of it’s growth, many old things need to make room for the progress and new lives that start here. However, there are a few things that we need to protect due to their uniqueness and value to the community…Warm Springs Park is an oasis amidst the chaos. Salt Lake has MANY soccer fields already (74 I heard), can we please keep Warm Spring Park and it’s magnificent trees from becoming just another field?
Please consider allowing this park to remain intact and utilized in unique and creative ways in the future. Once it’s gone…it’s gone. Thank you for listening and re-considering Warm Springs fate. SW, Lower Avenues Resident
Trees are living beings and give us shade and promote life in so many ways through their underground connection. Soccer is the interest of the moment in time. Let us support the gift of the energy of life though saving these trees! BE
Last year they pushed out the soccer leagues from Rosewood because the cricket club paid the city 150,000 to put a pitch there. I drilled the parks department about the soccer teams who play on the 4 fields. They stated there are plenty of other places to play. Really. MH